Definition of Done

Lesetid: < 1 minutt

Definition of Done (DoD) is a common expression in agile development. But whas is it exactly?

When has a developer completed his task? There are many expressions like done, done-done and done-done-done. Don’t worry, there is an easier way to define the word done.

Definition of Done (DoD) is a checklist tailored to a development team. As the name indicates it is a clear definition to the developers what’s expected when a task is marked as done. To ensure high quality deliveries everybody needs to have the same understanding of when something is done.

The DoD list should be defined together with the development team to ensure understanding, ownership and input to the list. Here is an example of a DoD list to get you started.


  1. The Acceptance criteria is met
  2. Integrated in the next clean build
  3. Promoted to the next environment (for example QA)
  4. Automated regression tests are passed
  5. Functional tests are passed
  6. Non-Functional tests are passed
  7. The functionality is documented in the user documentation and the code.

This list can be printed and given to all developers to have by their side until it’s a natural part of the work day.

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